Do I need to read these questions?
Yes, the information on this page constitutes mandatory reading. Entrance to the venue may be contingent upon successfully passing a knowledge test based on the content contained on this wedding website inclusive of the Q&A section. We recommend re-reading this information more than once and even creating flashcards to help with your study of this material.
What is the weather expected to be like?
That is a good question. We would like to know ahead of time, as well. If you find out, then please let us know. For reference, here is the weather from same time last year:
What is the name of the bride and groom?
Depends who is asking. Our kids call us "mommy" and "daddy".
Will your wedding be indoors or outdoors?
Why are you having a wedding when you are already married?
We were not sure if things were going to work out. After two kids, a few companies, three houses, and six years, we think it's safe to make it official in front of our friends and family.
What time should I arrive?
On time.
How much time will there be between your wedding ceremony and reception?
There will be enough time to enjoy a couple of drinks, mingle with other guests, and even take a restroom break. If one of the lucky few, then there will be just enough time to be cognizant of these festivities without partaking (read: busy enjoying being a prop for the photographer).
What is the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything?
Will you be live streaming your wedding?
Pretty sure that all of our potential viewers will opt to attend the wedding in-person, so, no. Plus, Jeff still has not figured out Snapchat, Instagram, or streaming is outside his social media expertise, too. We do ask that guests not live stream. NDAs will be circulated prior to admission to the venue.
Will there be an open bar?
In a non-scientific study, we found that our guests will enjoy themselves 22.4% more if offered an open bar event. We are going with an open bar to maximize our guests enjoyment (and our out-of-pocket spending). Note that the conclusions of said study were found with a high degree of statistical significance.
Will there be dancing?
Likely some amusing interpretations of it.
What kind of music will you be playing at the reception?
Imagine yourself walking on a dirt path with open meadows on either side. The hot sun is pronounced with the absence of shade. You see a cantina up ahead and walk in. The scene opens with the loud and eclectic sounds of non-human origin. You, wearing a hooded cloak, cautiously enter the dimly lit establishment. The room is filled with a diverse array of alien species, engaged in animated conversations. The air is thick with the aroma of exotic beverages with the music perfectly blending in with the visual and aromatic vibes. [Read: Jazz in the vein of Star Wars]
Or, we may just go with a normal DJ...we'll see
May I bring a plus one?
Of course! But please limit to folks you know (e.g. spouse) as bringing a rando off-the-street is a bit of a gamble.
Where are you registered?
In your hearts and minds--your attendance is enough.
Can I take home a centerpiece?
Yes, but only if you are wearing this shirt:
What colors should I avoid wearing?
Transparent--there will be kids there.
What do I do if I get lost on the day of the event?
Go back home, log into MapQuest, print out directions, and then follow step-by-step. Or, for earlier generations, go to nearby gas station to buy a map and ask for directions. If from later generations, then use your tech.
Why did the Chiefs win over the 49s earlier this year?
Because of Taylor...maybe...
Can you tell me more questions that I didn't know I wanted to ask?
Yes, absolutely! Feel free to reach out with all of your epistemological concerns.